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School Name BBG Academy
CEO Andy Goulty
Senior Leader Responsible for SEND Saira Luffman
SENCO Michelle Ashby
Assistant SENCO M Wilkinson
Trust Board member with responsibility for SEND Ashley Hunter
Contact Details BBG Academy
Bradford Road
West Yorkshire
BD19 4BE
Email (admin) [email protected]
Email (SEND Manager) [email protected]
Telephone (admin) (01274) 871225
Age Range 11-16

At the Rodillian MAT, we recognise the need to provide an inclusive, supportive and positive learning environment. The skill, enthusiasm and supportive attitude of the class teacher is the key to effective learning of all students, in particular those with SEND who need additional, targeted teacher input to meet their individual needs; improve their confidence and self-esteem; and enable them to achieve and maximise their full potential. High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils is the first step in responding to pupils who have SEND. Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of inclusive ‘quality first’ teaching. Our Trust emphasises ethical school practice underpinned by ‘Every Child Matters’ thereby sustaining a welcoming, effective and inclusive school culture.

The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust


How do we identify the pupils with additional needs?

BBG Academy has a clear approach to identifying and responding to SEND. Our aim is to maintain a structured assessment process throughout Key Stage 3 that ensures early identification and intervention of SEND. Through our clearly defined and staged assessment programme we are able to identify any additional needs at the earliest possible stage and promptly implement effective provision to improve the long-term outcomes for all our learners.

The assessments enable us to build a comprehensive view of our learners covering 3 core elements of them as learners: Attainment, Ability and Attitudes. This provides the tools and insights to enable us to:

  • Know every one of our learners well
  • Tailor teaching and learning approaches accordingly
  • Raise standards and maximise progress
  • Help all our learners realise their full potential

Any learner who is not making adequate progress despite access to be high quality teaching targeted at their areas of weakness and intensive Wave 2 support will be referred to SEND department to identify any possible areas of SEND. SEND is assessed through a range of methods including:


  • Information from feeder schools including previous assessment data and reports from external professionals
  • Analysis of academic data and progress to identify learners making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances despite
  • Diagnostic assessments from outside professionals including the Educational Psychologist, Kirklees SEN Assessment & commissioning Team (SENACT) and the Speech & Language Therapist.
  • A range of SEND targeted assessments to explore areas including reading accuracy; reading comprehension; reading speed; writing accuracy, legibility and writing speed (wpm); cognitive processing (e.g. phonological, auditory or visual processing, or working memory); emotional literacy & SDQs and more.

Where an SEND Assessment identifies an area of need based on the defined entry criteria for Wave 3 Support, a personalised support programme is put in place to meet this specific need led by the SEND Department.


How do we make sure all children reach their potential?

  • SEND provision is made for students with learning difficulties resulting from a range of needs, including Communication and interaction, Cognition and learning, Social, emotional and mental health difficulties and Sensory and/or physical needs.
  • All student have access Inclusive Quality First Teaching (QFT) that is monitored by highly experienced leaders.
  • Teaching staff have access to detailed individual SEND information to inform their Teaching & Learning. This includes generic information and strategies for a broad range of areas of need; individual Learner Profiles with shared teaching strategies that are effective and person centred information; and reports from external professionals e.g. Education Psychologist, feedback from the SENACT etc.
  • Period 7s are used as part of an extended timetable to offer further teaching and support to maximise potential.
  • The use of Period 7 time for SEND joint planning with teachers and ISWs ensures that SEND learners can access to a broad, balanced curriculum which is well differentiated and takes account of different learning styles and children’s interests.
  • Where necessary some learners have access to in-class support from an ISW which is effective in promoting the progress of SEND learners across the Academy in areas they might have difficulties.
  • The progress of all SEND students is tracked by leaders & teaching staff as part of the academy assessment cycle to ensure early intervention can be put in place.
  • Professional dialogue about every child in school ensures any difficulties are identified early and suitable provision put in place. A clear referral process to SEND Support is in place to support this where the data has identified a potential area of need.
  • Identified learners are assessed for Access Arrangements from year 9 onwards, for additional exam support including extra time, a scribe or further adjustments.
  • A clear Pastoral structure with clear communication between Heads of Year and the SENCo to ensure the progress, attendance and behaviour of SEND learners is closely monitored and supported.
  • A Positive Discipline system provides a very clear, structured process that includes the use of sanctions and rewards at all levels- in class and around school which supports the SEND learners are they respond well to a clear, consistent approach.
  • Pupils are in sets for English, Maths and Science. Subject Leaders have their own criteria but initially it goes on KS2 and Base Line Assessments. Sets are also determined by target grades and performance throughout the year. Subject specific individual targets are set for all students.
  • There is a tiered approach to pastoral support.
  • Annual reviews for those students who have a statement of special educational needs or EHC Plan allow for clear objectives to be established and the need for any areas of targeted SEND support or reasonable adjustments to be made.
  • Student’s views are very important. Students are invited to parent’s evenings and Annual Reviews.
  • Where appropriate, the Academy will engage with external agencies to ensure the delivery of effective special educational needs provision.
  • Where possibly the Academy will aim to encourage independent learners. Alternative provision and additional resources (including staffing) may be put in place if absolutely necessary to ensure students with special educational needs are fully included in all aspects of school life, including the curriculum, extra- curricular programme and school trips.
  • Monitoring of the Teaching & Learning of SEND by the Assistant Headteacher and SENCo and learning walks to ensure teachers are supporting the progress of all learners by subject Subject Leads.

How are parents/carers involved with BBG Academy?

  • When working with parents of students with special educational needs, the academy will give support, advice and reinforcement as well as share information and agree targets in order to enable progress.
  • The SENCo maintains strong communication between the Academy and parents/carers of SEND learners with regular telephone updates and termly meetings where appropriate.
  • Parent and Carer evenings and reports provide updates on the academic achievement and well-being of their child.  The SENCo is available at these to provide further support for the parents of SEND learners.
  • Parent’s views are important to us. As part of the parents evening process, parents complete a questionnaire and the Academy has parent and SEND Governors.
  • The Academy will work in partnership with parents to ensure every student with special educational needs and disabilities are well supported. At all stages of the special needs process, the school will keep parents fully informed and involved and parents are encouraged to make a full and active contribution to their child’s education.
  • Parents are actively included in the Annual Review/Person centred approach. This information is then used to update the EHC Plans.

How accessible is the school setting?

We have worked closely with the occupational therapy service in the past. They are confident that our school is fully accessible with:

  • Dedicated disabled parking bays and toileting facilities
  • We have 3 main lifts to allow access to the upper floors as well as smaller stair lifts to gain access to the DT and Art corridors.
  • Our grounds are inclusive and all areas of the grounds are easily accessible by all of our students.
  • The corridors are wide with disabled toilets on every corridor.
  • A fully equipped care room.

To view our accessibility, SEND and managing medicines policies, please see our policies page


Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) The school will be offering:
Active Literacy Kit (ALK) –an assessment and intervention programme originally developed for SpLD/dyslexic learners but can also be used for learners with more general literacy difficulties.
Toe by Toe – A highly structured cumulative and multisensory literacy programme to develop reading (decoding) and spelling skills.
Stride Ahead – A highly structured multi-sensory phonetic approach to literacy in order to accelerate the reading age of an individual.
Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
Kirklees assessment and commissioning team (SENACT) referrals for additional support, observation and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies.
Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) Quality of teaching and learning is well monitored by highly experienced leaders and the SENCo to ensure that it actively meets individual needs.
Some MLD students will be placed on specialist programmes during morning registration and period 7s including basic comprehension skills, ALK, Toe by Toe, Numicon (see above).
Referrals to outside professionals for assessment and interventions- including advice on internal support programmes and suitable resources.
Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
Access Arrangements and exam support for those that qualify.
Kirklees assessment and commissioning team (SENACT) referrals for additional support, observation and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies.
Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) Referrals to outside professionals for assessment and interventions- including advice on internal support programmes and suitable resources.
In class support from the ISWs.
Specialist one to one targeted support programmes with external professional input
One to one support in and around school where needed e.g. break & lunch or school trips.
Support programmes to develop fine and gross motor skills for those that need
Kirklees assessment and commissioning team (SENACT) referrals for additional support, observation and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies.
Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) Advice and support is provided by external agencies such as SENACT and the Educational Psychology Service.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) The consistent use of the Academy’s Positive Discipline system provides a very clear, structured process that includes sanctions and rewards at all levels- in class and around school. The stamps that the pupils are given work towards rewards that include off site activities.
Intensive pastoral support for those that need it from Form Tutors, Director of  Behaviour Support Worker.
Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
Experienced staff giving one to one and small group support  such as Social Stories; Targeted Emotional Literacy assessments and intervention programmes; and programmes to help with a range of issues for example self-esteem
Access to a broad range of external support agencies including counselling and CAHMS.
Educational psychologist referrals for additional support, observation and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies.
Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Referrals to outside professionals including specialist Speech & Language Therapists for assessment and interventions- including advice on internal support programmes and suitable resources.
Experienced and trained staff provide one to one and small group support on specialist programmes including understanding spoken language, expressive language, limited verbal reasoning, pragmatics and social skills etc.
Implementation of the Social Use of Language Program (SULP)
Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
Educational psychologist referrals for additional support, observation and assessment to inform recommendations for internal strategies.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Referrals to outside professionals e.g. Autism Outreach service for one to one learners support, parental support, advice on internal support programmes and suitable resources
Access to one to one and small group work e.g. social communication and interaction.
Support on understanding of conflict, emotions and social situations using social stories when needed.
Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
Hearing Impairment (HI) Support from the HI Team to offer advice on specialist equipment, strategies and support.
Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
Visual Impairment (VI) Support from the VI Team to offer advice on strategies and support.
Modified papers for lessons and examinations- where required e.g. colour of paper, size of font.
Magnifiers for use in lessons for specific students that need this.
Information and support strategies are available on the SEND Register and within individual Learner Profiles for all staff to access and use to inform Wave 1 Inclusive Quality First Teaching.
Physical Disability (PD) Accessibility plans and individual risk assessments to outline details for movement around the building including use of the lifts, leaving lessons early to avoid busy corridors, fire safety expectations etc.
Input and advice from Physio Therapists and Occupational Therapy Team to inform specific support programmes to develop fine and gross motor skills plus advice on differentiated PE curriculum.
Access to a lift key.
Medical Needs (MN) Health & Care Plans and Risk Assessment where applicable.
First Aid provision offered for those that needs this and specific First Aid training for staff from NHS professionals.
Interventions to support medical needs e.g. leaving lesson early, toilet passes, support at break & lunch if applicable etc.
Access to school nurse and referrals to outside medical professionals for additional support.
Alerts for all staff on individual records accessible for all staff.


How does BBG Academy support a Childs overall well-being?

  • Pastoral support in all key stages
  • Trained safeguarding leads.
  • Safeguarding training has been undertaken by all staff.
  • PD Sessions with Form Tutor
  • Trained child protection officers in school
  • Referrals to outside professionals including Educational Psychologist, School Nurse etc.
  • The SEND Department Base as a safe, supportive environment
  • Peer and Behaviour Support Worker mentoring for identified pupils
  • Leadership Team presence in and around the Academy at all times
  • Pastoral meetings to monitor and identify any individuals that need additional support


How do we support


  • Faculty associates and teachers work with individuals and small groups
  • Rise and Read for year 7 students
  • Accelerated reader for year 7 and 8 students.
  • Specialist English 1:1/ small group Intervention for some SEN pupils
  • Whole school training delivered by the English department on how to support literacy within all curriculum areas.(Quality Written Communication -QWC)
  • Referrals to outside professionals.


  • Faculty associates works with individuals and small groups who are targeted through close monitoring of assessment data.
  • All assessment data is tracked and gaps in knowledge are the focus of all lessons.
  • Numicon will be used as a visual resource to support students with SEND
  • Referrals to outside professionals
  • 1:1 Specialist programmes carried out by Inclusion Support Workers on identified students.

What Specialist Services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

Educational psychologist Physiotherapist
SENACT School Nurse
The Base Visually Impaired Team
CAMHS Hearing Impaired Team
Social Services West Yorkshire Police
Speech & Language Therapist Early Help Support
Occupational therapist Westfields Alternative Provision
Targeted Youth Support Northorpe Hall

How will we include children in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

  • Extra staff are deployed for trips to meet the stringent requirements of our risk assessments and pupil to adult ratios.
  • One to one ISW support for those that need this.
  • Parents/carers consulted prior to trips for advice and guidance.
  • We provide students with step by step learning so that they acquire the relevant skills associated with a safe school visit and are able to participate.
  • Travel Training to include theory such as reading timetables, money, time and practical experience in catching public transport.

How do we support transition from year 6 into High School?

  • Transition is very important for the year 6 students transferring into High School. There is a highly structured Transition programme with a range of events including transition clubs, a Year 6 support event, a Year 6 information evening and additional induction days during which all SEND learners and their parents have an opportunity to meet the SENCo and the ISWs.
  • Share good practice with feeder schools.
  • SENCO and Classroom Support Manager attending year 5 conversion meetings.
    • Visits to the feeder schools by Transition Co-ordinator and/or SENCo including extra one to one visits for vulnerable/SEND learners to speak with primary staff and conduct observations
    • Tours and visits to meet the SEND team for Year 6 SEND learners.
    • A Resilience Curriculum is embedded in the timetable for all Year 7s and includes a Resilience Camp.

What types of support are available?

  • Wave One – Inclusive Quality First Teaching for all
  • Wave Two -Additional interventions to enable children to work at age related expectations or above including Period 7s
  • Wave Three – Additional Highly Personalised SEND Support and Interventions.

How do we allocate resources?

The Director of SEND works across the Rodillian Multi-Academy Trust linking with the Senior Leader responsible for SEND. The SENCo leads the day to day management of the SEND department and supports the Assistant Head Teacher to oversee Teaching & Learning of SEND learners. A Classroom Support Manager provides support within the SEND Department and there are 5 Educational Teaching Assistants (ISW) who work within the classroom, run small groups and offer 1:1 intervention. The ISWs support students with an academic/medical/physical statement of Special Education needs or EHC Plans. A range of other students benefit from this support due to ability setting within the groups.

Support and resources are allocated proportionate to the 4 areas of need for those on the SEND Register. Further resources are allocated across the whole school and this is readjusted annually in line with our analysis of the current cohort to ensure the schools’ universal Wave 2 offer is relevant to need. Additional resources are allocated for those with medical needs and to support learners who require access arrangements.


To access the Kirklees Local Offer go to

To view our accessibility, SEND and managing medicines policies, please see our policies page